Culture, Strategy and Leadership in the Age Care Sector Culture, Strategy and Leadership in the Age Care Sector Culture, Strategy and Leadership in the Age Care Sector
Culture, Strategy and Leadership in the Age Care Sector
The sector has fascinating and complex dynamics mixing matrices of large scale multi-site property asset through multi market segment. These are complex high growth big balance sheet businesses with low volume high margin sales environments supporting high quality services undertakings.

Unleash an unassailable sustainable competitive advantage by establishing a unique organisational culture that creates an uneven playing field, one that strongly favours the success of your organisations. Create an aligned vision supported by a common purpose and values. We all know what to do, we probably know how to do it, but the unassailable advantage comes when there is absolute clarity around WHY we do it!

The modern workplace is changing faster than ever, it needs to be agile, responsive, virtual, collaborative, structurally flat, autonomous and fun. Reliance on teamwork is crucial and a strong alliance with shareholder, consumer and employee value propositions will be a key differentiator. The best workplaces will be those where awesome culture prevail, where UBUNTU is evident.


“Culture eats strategy for breakfast.” Peter Drucker

Let me assist in building an enviable, unassailable competitive advantage!

Unleash Strategy
Unleash Strategy

Unleash your organisation to compete in an uncontested profitable space! Business Strategy is not just about numbers, it is also about intuition. Business Strategy is about envisioning a competitive environment where the organisation can create the right to compete, can create a space in which it wins the competition and the reinvestment1. Business Strategy is about choices between working in the current environment or creating an uncontested environment to keep winning. Creating the uncontested market space and making the competition irrelevant requires the re-imagination of the products and services on offer. It requires a sea change2.


Talk to Wyntonalan today to UNLEASH your organisation strategy.

1 Jan Carlzon, Moments of Truth

2 Blue Ocean Strategy, W.Chan Kim and Renee Mauborgne

Unleash Leadership
Unleash Leadership

Leadership is required from everyone. Personal responsibility and accountability make ordinary people extraordinary. Extraordinary people create unbeatable businesses! My belief is that the model of leaders and followers is rapidly being replaced by new leadership models. Think of followers being really empowered to be self-directed, to be self-led leaders in their own right. Here you will find the ultimate organisation, the new organisation, the unbeatable organisation. This organisation will be filled with extraordinary people.

Not everything is lost when you can call Wyntonalan

Our business was on the wrong side of the growth curve and I was running out of options. Wyntonalan's independent advice gave me a sounding board. I know I was initially throwing darts at it, then my head but eventually I began to see the writing on the wall wasn't all bad and we turned a corner.

— Paul
It's not just about the service, it's the people as well.
Alan Edwards has lead a couple of projects for me. We have standing desks in the office and we often loose him but his accent is infectious and makes a huge difference to morale, ending up with projects actually being delivered ahead of time.
— Sarah
Complete satisfaction
Complete satisfaction
I run my own business and have to say I'm not the most organised. Receipts here, reports there. My job is to create great art, not worry about the future. But I now don't need to. Alan Edwards is a dream boat and supports me totally in doing this.
— Pauline

Growing up on a farm provided a rich environment for fun, learning, growth and development. The farm was located in the small North Eastern Cape town of Hofmeyer, South Africa. My Father set the pace on the farm with his highly participative servant leadership style. I spent time with the children of the staff, predominantly amaXhosa. As a result, I found myself immersed in the culture of the amaXhosa and enjoyed fluency in isiXhosa from an early age. This exposure led to a deep appreciation of UBUNTU! The meaning of UBUNTU is:

“I am because we are!”

Archbishop Desmond Tutu defines UBUNTU as follows: “A person with Ubuntu is open and available to others, affirming of others, does not feel threatened that others are able and good, based from a proper self-assurance that comes from knowing that he or she belongs in a greater whole and is diminished when others are humiliated or diminished, when others are tortured or oppressed.”

I have never actively sought leadership, however have found myself in leadership throughout my life. Whether leading a cricket team or serving as a High School Prefect or leading a Public Company; I have chosen to be an empowering leader, to be a team player because I know I am because we are. My learnings have led me to understand and appreciate that there is no substitute for authenticity, for being real and for being empowering in leadership. Lessons learnt from my family’s farm, from UBUNTU, from a school motto, Esse Quam Videri (to be rather than seem…), from every other leadership role and from role models along the way have cumulatively formed my leadership style and the opinions on leadership I hold today.